Some of my selected works.
November, 2021
Migration of company management from excel to a dynamic website application. CRUD application made with CodeIgniter 4 and Bootstrap 5.
February, 2021
New webpage with existing content. Designed by a colleague and customized css and genesis child theme by me.
November, 2020
Mutiple customizations, optimizations and some problem fixing. Custom Post Types with ajax load more, Audio Players, Contact Forms and Stay Tuned Landing Page.
July, 2020
With their beautiful design, I really enjoyed bringing to “web life” this site. Lot’s of CSS customizations so everything looks right in every screen. It was quite a challenge.

March, 2020
Custom CRUD database application with user access control made with CodeIgniter and Bootstrap.
July, 2019
Website optimization and customizations. VPS setup and management.
October, 2018
The site was completly rebuilt with StoreFront as the parent theme and Woocommerce as the store platform. They both have heavy customizations though child theme and plugins. Here you can see the before and after: